A downloadable game

In the tranquil town of Norfield, a sudden rift opens, unveiling a mysterious dungeon beneath the town's heartstone. Tensions rise as residents are torn between the Stone Guard, determined to seal the newfound abyss, and the Depth Seekers, adventurers hungry for its secrets. But as both sides vie for control, the enigmatic glow of a crystal lures deadly drakes, and those who dare to touch it awaken an eerie echo of themselves - a shadow twin.

Dive into a tale of intrigue, ancient wonders, and living shadows in a race against dark forces beneath Norfield.

The Splitting Stone is a fantasy mini-setting for Into the Odd by Chris McDowall. The provided document contains terse information about:

  • Backstory
  • Factions and NPCs
  • Beasts and Creatures
  • Dungeon rooms and Treasures

It sports a minimal character creation section too!

How to use this document

The intended use of this document is merely inspirational. It's not a full-fledged setting, let alone an entire campaign.

The PCs are supposed to investigate and explore the dungeon below Norfield, which is sprawling and labyrinthine. The 20 listed rooms are the most remarkable inside the dungeon and can be sprinkled here and there. The same goes for the provided creatures and the treasures.


The Splitting Stone.pdf 2.5 MB

Development log

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